Monday, 9 February 2015

Searching Algorithms

Objective : To find out the location of any given element in array. If element found then successful, otherwise unsuccessful.
Two approaches –

1.Linear Search (Sequential Search): if array elements in random order

2.Binary Search: if array elements in sorted order

Linear Search

Algorithm: Let a is given array and no. of elements is n. Pos is representing the position of desired element k in array a, if element found otherwise, set Pos to -1. Variable i is used as simple variable in loop. 

Analysis of Linear Search

Binary Search

Ø    Best searching approach
§  Given array should be in sorted order
§  First sort the given array and then perform search, but then sorting time will be   added

Binary Search (Iterative)

Algorithm: Let a is given array which is sorted in ascending order and no. of elements is n. Pos is representing the position of desired element Item in array a, if element found otherwise, set Pos to -1. Variable mid is used to keep the mid index of array.

1.Initialize low =0, high = n-1
2.While low <= high
3.       mid =    (low+high)/2
4.       If a[mid] == Item
5.                    Set Pos = mid
6.                    Break and Jump to step 10
7.       Else if Item < a[mid]
8.                     high = mid -1
9.       Else   low =mid +1
10.If Pos < 0
11.        Print “Element is not found”
12.Else  Print Pos

Binary Search Illustration

Binary Search (Iterative)

Analysis of Iterative Binary Search

Binary Search (Recursive)

Algorithm Bin_Search(a, Item,low, high): Let a is given array which is sorted in ascending order and no. of elements is n. Pos is representing the position of desired element Item in array a, if element found otherwise, set Pos to -1. Variable mid is used to keep the mid index of array. Here, initially low and high are assigned the lowest and highest index of array a.
1.If low<=high
2.         mid =    (low+high)/2
3.         If a[mid] == Item
4.                        Set Pos = mid
5.                         Return Pos
6.         Else if Item < a[mid]
7.                         Return Bin_Search(a,Item,low,mid-1) 
8.         Else        Return Bin_Search(a,Item,mid+1,high)
9.Return Pos


For the code segment below estimate the time-complexity in the big-oh notation.
for (int i=0; i< n; i++)
         for (int j=0; j*j <n;j++)
                    for (int k=0; k < n/2;k++)
                                print (i+j+k);
Loop 1 rate of change depends linearly on n -> O(n) -- Linear
Loop 2 rate of change depends on the squared root of n -> O(n^0.5) -- Fractional power
Loop 3 rate of change depends linearly on n/2, but 1/2 constant can be removed -> O(n/2) -- Linear
So, the overall complexity would be O(n) * O (n^0.5) * O (n) = O (n^2.5)

Complexity analysis of an algorithm

Two main methods:
1.Direct counting:Time complexity will be sum of the individual steps (primitive Operations)
Best for repeated iterations (loops).
2.      Recurrence equation(Recurrence Relations):
an equality or inequality describing the function in terms of its behavior on smaller inputs.
Best for recursive functions and structures.

Recurrence Relation  

Base Case:
When you write a recurrence relation you must write two equations:
one for the general case and
one for the base case.
These correspond to the recursive function to which the recurrence applies. The base case is often an O(1) operation, though it can be otherwise.
In some recurrence relations the base case involves input of size one, so we wrote 
T(1) = O(1).
However, there are cases when the base case has size zero. In such cases the base could would be 
T(0) = O(1). 

Solving Recurrence Relations
T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + O(n)       // [the O(n) is for Combine]
T(1) = O(1)                         // Base Case
We'll write n instead of O(n) in the first line below because it makes the algebra much simpler.
T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + n
= 2 [2 T(n/4) + n/2] + n
= 4 T(n/4) + 2n
= 4 [2 T(n/8) + n/4] + 2n
= 8 T(n/8) + 3n
=16 T(n/16) + 4n
= 2k T(n/2k) + k n
We know that T(1) = 1 and this is a way to end the derivation above.
In particular we want T(1) to appear on the right hand side of the = sign.
This means we want:
n/2k = 1 OR n = 2k OR log2 n = k
Continuing with the previous derivation we get the following since k = log2 n:
= 2k T(n/2k) + k n
= 2log2 n T(1) + (log2n) n = n + n log2 n
= O(n log n)
Illustration 1: Factorial Recursive 

Substitution method – try to find the pattern
While the equation certainly expresses the complexity function, a non-recursive (or closed-form) version would be more useful.
T(1) = 1
T(n) = T(n -1) + 1
T(n) = T(n -1) + 1   //T(n - 1) = T(n - 2) + 1
= T(n - 2) + 1 + 1
= T(n - 2) + 2  //T(n - 2) = T(n - 3) + 1
= T(n - 3) + 1 + 2
= T(n - 3) + 3   //T(n - 3) = T(n - 4) + 1
= T(n - 4) + 4
= : : :
= T(n - k) + k
If we set n-k=1=> k=n-1 we have:
T(n) = T(1) + n-1
= 1+n-1
T(n)= n
Hence, Time complexity = O(n)
Illustration 2: Fibonacci Recursive

This the case of Deep recursion where if the function makes more than one call to itself, you have a deep recursion, that takes exponential time.
Ø   It grows like exponential tree.
Time complexity = O(2n)

Analysis of Binary Search Recursive

T(n)   = T(n/2) + 1
  = T(n/2*2) + 1 + 1
  = T(n/2*2*2) + 3
  = T(n/24) + 4
  = T(n/2k) + k
Let    n/2k = 1,   n = 2k ,   log2n = k * log22
i.e.      k = log2n
  T(n)  = T(1) + log2n = 1 + log2n
  = O(log2n)

Recurrence Relations to Remember


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